Thursday, December 11, 2014

LED Installations the Best Medicine for Hospitals

Case studies around the world 

#1:  The Princess Alexandrea NHS Trust Hospital, a 489 bed hospital in Essex, England found lighting to be approximately 45% of their entire monthly electric bill.  A conversion to LED lighting in 2013 resulted in an instant 83% reduction with a 2.2 year payback for the up front costs.  The hospital was the first full LED convresion in a UK Hospital. 

#2:  Mercy Hospital & Medical Center in Chicago, IL converted hallways in their 485 bed building to LED lighting as part of a larger whole green inititative they have undertaken to reduce their carbon footprint and save energy.  They received a $72,288 utility incentive, with a project payback period of just 2.4 years, saving them over $98,700 per year in electricity costs.

#3:  Sarasota Memorial Hospital in Sarasota, FL is the second largest public hospital in the state.  They replaced 250 watt metal halide lights with 75 watt LED lights in it's parking lot, reducing electricity use by 67%. 

#4:  Hawaii Pacific Health is a cluster of four hospitals and 44 clinic sites on the islands that initiated an LED lighting retrofit of all 48 facilities consisting of hallways, waiting areas, cafeterias, offices, and parking garages.  Payback was over 15 months and savings were expected to be in excess of $1.2 million dollars per year.

#5:  University of Utah Hospital slashed their KwH more than 50% by just changing 85 units to LED in one part of their hospital, with a 2.5 year payback and relieved the problems associated with maintaining and changing bulbs in difficult to reach high ceiling locations. 

See this interesting informative article by the US Dept. of Energy:
"Energy Efficient Hospital Lighting Strategies Pay Off Quickly"

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